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The John M. Olin Center for Inquiry into the Theory and Practice of Democracy

The John M. Olin Center for Inquiry into the Theory and Practice of Democracy

lecture series

Religion and Politics


Autumn 1984

October 18

Relations of one religious denomination with the government of the United States of America and the several states whose laws have affected them
Dallin Oaks, Elder

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - The Council of the Twelve

November 7

Religion & Politics - A Case History
Archbishop John J. O'Connor

D.D. of New York

November 13

Religion and the Law
Robert Bork

US Circuit Judge, US Court of Appeals

December 1

Religion and Nationalism
Conor Cruise O'Brien

Republic of Ireland

December 5

Christianity and Politics
Mr. Jacek Wozniakowski

Professor of Art History, Catholic University

Winter 1985

January 30

Capitalism, socialism and the Jews
Irving Kristol

Editor, The Public Interest

February 7

American Jews and American Pluralism
Martin Peretz

Editor, The New Republic

February 13

Judaism and Politics
Ira Katznelson

Dean of Graduate Faculty New School for Social Research

March 13

The Problem of Religion and Politics within the Jewish State
Prof. Aviezer Ravitsky

Dept. of Jewish Thought Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Spring 1985

April 10

Political Language of Islam
Bernard Lewis

Institute of Advanced Studies

April 25

Islam and Politics
Prof. Mohammad Arkoun

Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle

May 22

Islam and the State
Fazlur Rahman

Dept. of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago

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©1999 The John M. Olin Center for Inquiry into the Theory and Practice of Democracy, University of Chicago
Revised: December 23rd, 1999