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Richard Hellie

Curriculum Vitae

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    Born in Waterloo, Iowa, on May 8, 1937.
    Son, Benjamin, born on May 20, 1972.

    Higher education

    University of Chicago,
    Harvard University Russian Research Center, visitor, June 1962-June 1963.
    Indiana University, summer 1963.
    University of Moscow, September 1963-October 1964.

    Employment (post-Ph.D.)

    Rutgers University

    University of Chicago

    Scholarships, fellowships, grants

    University of Chicago Honor Entrance Scholarships, 1954-1956.

    Des Moines Register & Tribune Scholarships, 1956-1958.

    University of Chicago fellowships, 1960-1962.

    Carnegie Non-Western Civilization Internship, 1961-1962.

    Ford Foundation Foreign Area Training Fellowships, 1962-1965.

    Inter-University Committee on Travel Grants Award, 1963-1964.

    Quantrell Grant for the Improvement of Teaching, 1969.

    University of Chicago Social Science Divisional Research grants, 1970-1988, 1991-1994, 1996-1997, 1998-1999.

    Guggenheim Fellowship, 1973-1974.

    National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 1978-1979.

    National Endowment for the Humanities Grant (Translations), 1982-1983.

    NEH Grant (Summer), 1988.

    NSF (Economics) Grant, 1988-1990.

    Bradley Foundation Grant, 1988-1991.

    Thesis, dissertation, books

    Strikes and Russia, 1907-1914. MA Thesis, University of Chicago, 1960. 150 p.

    Muscovite Law and Society: The Ulozhenie of 1649 as a Reflection of the Political and Social Development of Russia Since the Sudebnik of 1589. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1965. 488 p. [This has not been published.]

    Muscovite Society. (Readings for Introduction to Russian Civilization.) Chicago: Syllabus Division, The College, The University of Chicago, 1967; reprinted 1970. 320 p. [A collection of annotated documents which I translated from Middle Russian.]

    Enserfment and Military Change in Muscovy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1971. 432 p. [Awarded the American Historical Association's Herbert Baxter Adams Prize in European history in 1972.]

    Slavery in Russia, 1450-1725. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1982. xix + 776 p. [Selected by Choice as "an outstanding academic book of 1982." Awarded "honorable mention" by the first Prize Committee of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, October 1983. Second edition of the hardback and a paperback released on October 19, 1984. Awarded the Gordon J. Laing Prize for 1984 "for the book publishing during the preceding two years which adds the greatest distinction to the list of the University of Chicago Press" on April 18, 1985.]

    The Ulozhenie (Law Code) of 1649. Irvine, CA: Charles Schlacks, Publisher, 1988. 710 p. Volume 1, the translation, of a scholarly edition. Volume 2, the commentary, will be written and published as soon as possible.

    Editor of Ivan the Terrible: A Quarcentenary Celebration of His Death. Irvine: Charles Schlacks, Publisher, 1987. 408 p.

    Editor of The Frontier in Russian History. Los Angeles: Charles Schlacks, Publisher, 1995. 514 p.

    Editor of The Plow, the Hammer, and the Knout: Essays in Eighteenth-Century Russian Economic History, by Arcadius Kahan. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1985. 399 two-column 8-1/2 x 11" pp. [I spent six months full-time editing this work and inputting it on my TRS-80 Model 16 for computer typesetting. I also compiled the bibliography, wrote the conclusion, checked the page proofs, and compiled a 75-page index. The work is 218,000 words + 330 tables. The volume was awarded the honorable mention citation in the Vucinich Prize competition by the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, November 21, 1986. It was selected by Choice as "an outstanding academic book of 1986."]

    Kholopstvo v Rossii 1450-1725. Moscow: Academia, 1998. 708 pp. Translation of Slavery in Russia, with a new foreword for the post-Soviet edition.

    The Economy and Material Culture of Russia 1600-1725. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. xi + 671 large-format pages.


    "Generals of Iowa Civil War Regiments," in Annals of Iowa. Winter, 1963: 498-504.

    "The Law Code of 1649" and "Muscovite-Western Commercial Relations," in Readings in Russian Civilization. Edited by Thomas Riha. 2nd edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969. Pp. 154-72.

    "The Foundations of Russian Capitalism," in Slavic Review. March, 1967: 148-64.

    "The Petrine Army: Continuity, Change, and Impact," in Canadian-American Slavic Studies. Summer, 1974: 237-53. [The issue was devoted to the tercentenary of Peter the Great and resulted from a conference I organized at Chicago in 1972.]

    "Alexander Nevsky," in Encyclopaedia Britannica 3 (1973). 1: 478-79.

    "In Search of Ivan the Terrible," in S. F. Platonov's Ivan the Terrible. Edited and translated by Joseph L. Wieczynski. Gulf Breeze: Academic International Press, 1974. Paperback edition, 1986. Pp. ix-xxxiv. [I submitted a 59-page critique of Wieczynski's draft translation. The volume was selected by Choice as "an outstanding academic book of 1974."]

    "Recent Soviet Historiography on Medieval and Early Modern Russian Slavery." Russian Review. January, 1976: 1-32.
    "Reply" to a "Comment," idem, January, 1977: 68-75.

    "The Structure of Modern Russian History: Toward a Dynamic Model." Russian History 4, no. 1 (1977): 1-22.

    "Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic." Encyclopaedia Britannica 3 [A revision of the article appearing in 16 (1974): 89-100.]

    "The Stratification of Muscovite Society: The Townsmen," in Russian History 6, part 2 (1979): 119-75.

    "Muscovite Slavery in Comparative Perspective," in Russian History 6, part 2 (1979): 133-209. Reprinted in Articles on Russian and Soviet History 1500-1991, ed. by Alexander Dallin, vol. 1, Major Problems in Early Modern Russian History, ed. by Nancy Shields Kollmann. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1992. Pp. 291-367.

    "Women in Muscovite Slavery," in Russian History 10, part 2 (1983): 213-29.

    "Slavery Among the Early Modern Peoples on the Territory of the USSR," in Canadian-American Slavic Studies 17, no. 4 (Winter 1983): 454-65.

    Entries in The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History (MERSH):

    Entry in The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet Literatures (MERSL):

    "An Appreciation of Nikolai Evgenevich Nosov," in Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 34 (1986): 317-20.

    Entries (1 page each) submitted to The Encyclopedia of Military History :

    "What Happened? How Did He Get Away With It? Ivan Groznyi's Paranoia and the Problem of Institutional Restraints," in Russian History 14, no. 1-4 (1987): 199-224. My "Introduction" to this volume, the product of a conference I organized at the University of Chicago, is on pp. 1-4.

    "Edward Keenan's Scholarly Ways," in The Russian Review 46 (1987): 137-50.

    "Early Modern Russian Law: The Ulozhenie of 1649" and "Ulozhenie Commentary: Preamble and Chapters 1-2," in Russian History 15, nos. 2 -4 (1988): 155-224
    "Commentary on Chapters 3 through 6," idem, 17, no. 1 (1990): 65-78
    "Commentary on Chapters 7-9," idem, 17, no.2 (1990): 179-226;
    "Commentary on Chapter 11 (The Judicial Process for Peasants)." idem, 17, no. 3 (1990): 305-39
    "The Church and the Law in Late Muscovy: Chapters 12 and 13 of the Ulozhenie of 1649," in Canadian-American Slavic Studies 25, nos. 1-4 (1991): 179-99.
    [When completed, this series of articles will become the "commentary" volume, vol. 2, of my edition of the Ulozhenie of 1649.]

    "Slavery." The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th edition (1989). 27: 285-98.

    "Patterns of Instability in Russian and Soviet History." The Chicago Review of International Affairs. "Pt. 1, 750 to 1917," 1, no. 3 (Autumn 1989) 3-34. "Pt. 2, The Soviet Period," 2, no. 1 (Winter 1990): 3-15. "Warfare, Changing Military Technology, and the Evolution of Muscovite Society." In Tools of War. Instruments, Ideas, and the Institutions of Warfare, 1445-1871, ed. by John A. Lynn. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990. Pp. 74-99.

    "The Manumission of Russian Slaves," Slavery and Abolition 10, no. 3 (December 1989): 23-39.

    "Rewriting Pre-Mongol Russian History Once Again." Russian History 16, no. 1 (1989): 67-76.

    "Furs in Seventeenth-Century Muscovy." Russian History 16, nos. 2-4 (1989): 171-201. [A Festschrift for Leopold H. Haimson.]

    "Muscovy Redux: More Parallels and Continuities?" Russian History 17, no. 4 (1990) 419-26.

    "Byzantine Law in Muscovy." In XVIII Mezhdunarodnyi kongress vizantinistov. Orgkomitet XVIII Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa vizantinistov. Reziume soobshchenii. 2 vols.; Moscow and Kazan': MGU, AN SSSR, and POINT, 1991. Pp. 437-38.

    "Russia Before, During, and After the 'Keystone Coup' of August 1991." Russian History 18, no. 3 (1991): 255-315.

    "Arcadius Kahan." In Remembering the University of Chicago. Teachers, Scientists, and Scholars, ed. by Edward Shils. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991. Pp. 210-20.

    "Tseny v Moskovskoi Rusi v XVII v." In Chteniia pamiati V. B. Kobrina. Problemy otechestvennoi istorii I kul'tury perioda feodalizma. Ed. by V. A. Murav'ev et al. Moscow: RGGU, 1992. Pp. 186-88.

    "The Impact of the Southern and Eastern Frontiers of Muscovy on the Ulozhenie (Law Code) of 1649 Compared with the Impact of the Western Frontier," in Russian History 19, nos. 1-4 (1992): 99-115. The volume was the product of a conference on the impact of the frontier on Russian history held at the University of Chicago organized by Mikhail Khodarkovsky and me. I also wrote an "Introduction" to the volume, pp. 1-10.

    "Russian Law From Oleg to Peter the Great. Foreword" to The Laws of Rus' Tenth to Fifteenth Centuries. Trans. and ed. by Daniel H. Kaiser. Salt Lake City, Utah: Charles Schlacks, Publisher, 1992. Pp. xi-xl. [This is the first volume of a series, "The Laws of Russia. Series I: Medieval Russia," of which I am editor.]

    "The Value of Labor and Rank in Late Muscovy." In Sosloviia I gosudarstvennaia vlast' v Rossii. XV seredina XIX vv. Mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia Chteniia pamiati akad. L. V. Cherepnina. Ed. by N. V. Karlov et al. 2 vols. Moscow: MFTI, 1994. 2: 334-45.

    "The Great Paradox of the Seventeenth Century: The Stratification of Muscovite Society and the 'Individualization' of Its High Culture, Especially Literature." In O Rus! Studia Litteraria Slavica in Honorem Hugh McLean. Ed. Simon Karlinsky, James L. Rice, Barry P. Scherr. Berkeley: Berkeley Slavic Specialties, 1995. Pp. 116-28.

    (with Jenifer L. Stenfors). "The Elite Clergy Diet in Late Muscovy." Russian History 22, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 1-23.

    "Great Wealth in Muscovy: The Case of V. V. Golitsyn and Prices of the 1600-1725 Period," Harvard Ukrainian Studies, 19 (1995): 226-70.

    "Late Medieval and Early Modern Russian Civilization and Modern Neuroscience," in Culture and Identity in Muscovy, 1359-1584 (= UCLA Slavic Studies, vol. 3), ed. by A. M. Kleimola and G. D. Lenhoff. Moscow: "ITZ-Garant", 1997: 146-65.

    "The Origins of Denunciation in Muscovy," in Russian History, 24, nos. 1-2 (Spring-Summer 1997): 11-26.

    "Russia," in A Historical Guide to World Slavery. Ed. by Seymour Drescher and Stanley L. Engerman. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. Pp. 344-46.

    "Byzantium," and "Russia," in Macmillan Encyclopedia of World Slavery. Ed. by Paul Finkelman and Joseph C. Miller. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998. Pp. 136-37 and 781-83.

    "Ivan III" and "Ivan IV" for the Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia. 1998.

    "Russia, 1200-1815," in The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, c. 1200-1815. Ed. by Richard J. Bonney. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 481-505.

    "Russian Clothing and Its International Context: 1600-1725," in Drevnerusskaia kul'tura v mirovom kontekste: arkheologiia I mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniia. Materialy konferentsii Moskva, 19-21 noiabria 1997 g. Ed. by A. V. Chernetsov. Moscow: RGGU and IARAN, 1999. Pp. 284-302.

    "Why Did the Muscovite Elite Not Rebel?" in a Festschrift issue of Russian History (25, nos. 1-2 [Spring-Summer 1998]: 155-62) dedicated to the memory of A. A. Zimin ed. by Peter Bowman Brown.

    "Review of: Lindsey Hughes. 1998. Russia in the Age of Peter the Great. New Haven: Yale University Press.," in Reviews in History :

    "Thoughts on the Absence of Elite Resistance in Muscovy." in Kritika. Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History (Special Issue: Reistance to Authority in Russia and the Soviet Union). 1, no. 1 (Winter 2000): 5-20.

    Articles not yet published: "M. V. Mavrodin," for MERSH, 9 ms. p. "The Role of the State in Early Modern Russia," for a volume entitled Absolutism in Early Modern Eurasia, edited by Jim Tracy. 30 ms. p. "Prices of Construction Materials in Late Muscovy," for Russkaia arkheologiia (Moscow). 30 ms. p. "Interpreting Violence in Late Muscovy from the Perspectives of Modern Neuroscience." Scheduled to be published in Kiev/Kyiv in a Festschrift for Jaroslaw Pelenskii edited by Janusz Duzinkiewicz and Shelton Stromquist. 30 ms. p "Jerome Horsey," in The New Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. By H. C. G. Matthew. Oxford University Press. 8 ms. p.

    Book reviews in:

    Special report

    History Students and Financial Aid, 1967-1981. Report to the Department of History, The University of Chicago, September 1981. xxviii + 636 p.

    Editor of the quarterly journal Russian History, commencing volume 15 (1988).

    Papers presented

    "The Enserfment of the Russian Peasantry." Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, San Diego, August 1969.

    "The Abasement of the Person of the Muscovite Peasant." Northeastern Slavic Conference, Montreal, May 1971.

    "The Ulozhenie of 1649." American Society for Legal History, Boston, October 1971.

    "The Reaction of the Traditional Muscovite Army to Obsolescence in the Seventeenth Century." American Historical Association, New York City, December 1971.

    "The Petrine Army." International Tercentenary Conference on Peter the Great, Chicago, November 1972.

    "The Seventeenth-Century Crisis in Muscovy." International Conference of Slavicists, Banff, August 1974.

    "The Transformation of the Tsarist Military." Colloquium on Military History and Sociology, Chicago, May 1974.

    "The Structure of Modern Russian History." Various places, 1974-77.

    "Slavery in Muscovy: A Preliminary Report on Prices." University of Chicago Economic History Workshop, February 1974.

    "Time on the Cross from the Comparative Perspective of Early Modern Russian Slavery." MSSB-University of Rochester Conference "Time on the Cross: A First Appraisal," Rochester, October 1974.

    "Recent Soviet Historiography on Mediaeval and Early Modern Russian Slavery." The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Conference on Soviet Historiography, Quail's Roost, North Carolina, April 1975.

    "Slavery and the Law in Muscovy." Third International Conference on Muscovy History, Oxford, September 1975.

    "Muscovite Slave Demography." University of Chicago Social History Workshop, November 1975; revised, October 1976.

    "The Functions of Slavery in Muscovy." Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Slavists, Quebec, May 1976.

    "Muscovite Conceptions of the Social Order." Eighth National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, St. Louis, October 1976.

    "Political Structure and Social Inequality in Muscovy." University of Chicago Workshop in Comparative Macro Sociology, April 1977.

    "Muscovite Slavery in Comparative Perspective." Tenth Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Columbus, October 1978.

    "Social Control in Muscovy: the Lower Classes." Tenth Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Columbus, October 1978.

    "Ivan the Terrible: Paranoia, 'Evil Advisers,' Institutional Restraints, and Social Control." Thirteenth Annual Southern Conference on Slavic Studies, Chapel Hill, November 1978.

    "The Muscovite Provincial Service Elite in Comparative Perspective." Ninety-third Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, San Francisco, December 1978.

    "Muscovite Slavery: Prices and Demography." University of Chicago Economic History Workshop, March 1979.

    "Muscovite Military Slavery." Ninety-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., December 1980.

    "Decision-Making in Muscovite Government: The Slavery Chancellery." Ninety-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Los Angeles, December 1981.

    "Women and Slavery in Muscovy." "University of Pennsylvania Ethnohistory Workshop, Philadelphia, September 1982.

    "What Needs to be Done in Muscovite History?" Fourteenth National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, D.C., October 1982.

    "Arcadius Kahan's Eighteenth-Century Russian Economic History." Fifteenth National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Kansas City, October 1983.

    "Muscovite Tales Commenting on Law and Justice." Ninety-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, San Francisco, December 1983.

    "What Happened? How Did He Get Away With It? Ivan Groznyi's Paranoia and the Problem of Institutional Restraints." Ivan Groznyi International Quarcentenary Conference, University of Chicago, March 1984.

    "Early Modern Russian Law: The Ulozhenie of 1649." NEH Workshop on Russian and Soviet Law, Rutgers Law School (Camden), May 25-June 1, 1984.

    "Infanticide in Early Modern Russia." Midwest Slavic Association Regional Conference, South Bend, Indiana, April 18, 1985.

    "The Politics of Soviet Music." Orchestra Hall, Chicago, March 21, 1986.

    "The Purges and Soviet Music." Symposium on "The Purge: 50 Years Later," Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, May 19, 1986.

    "V. N. Tatishchev: Eighteenth-Century Russian State Entrepreneur." UofC Economic History Workshop, October 24, 1986; American Historical Association Meetings, Chicago, December 29, 1986.

    "The Evolution of Muscovite Society." S. Harrison Thomson Memorial Lecture, the University of Colorado, Boulder, March 10, 1987.

    "Changing Military Technology and the Evolution of Muscovite Society," Tools of War Conference, University of Illinois (Urbana), April 2, 1987.

    "The Role of the State in Muscovy." "The Kennan Institute, Washington, D.C., October 26, 1987. Revised: The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, October 6, 1988. Revised again: Russian and East European Center Lecture Series, Uof Illinois, Urbana, October 17, 1988. Revised again for the conference on "Absolutism and Despotism in Early Modern Eurasia," University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, October 27-29, 1989.

    "The Emancipation of Russian Slaves." Twelfth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, July 28, 1988.

    "The Impact of Lithuanian Law on Seventeenth-Century Muscovite Law." AAASS Convention, Honolulu, November 19, 1988.

    "Patterns of Instability in Russian and Soviet History." Airlie House (Va.) Conference on Prospects for Instability in the USSR, December 12, 1988.

    "Prices in Seventeenth-Century Muscovy." 104th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, San Francisco, December 28, 1989. Another presentation: Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, August 6, 1995.

    "Byzantine Law in Muscovy." Eighteenth International Congress of Byzantinists, Moscow, August 12, 1991.

    "Why 'Feudalism' Is Not a Useful Concept in Russian History." Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, September 10, 1991.

    "The Impact of the Frontier on Muscovite Law, as Exhibited in the Ulozhenie of 1649." International Conference on the Role of the Frontier in Russian History, University of Chicago, May 29-31, 1992.

    "Textiles in Seventeenth-Century Muscovy." Twenty-fourth National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Phoenix, November 21, 1992.

    "The Great Paradox of the Seventeenth Century: The Stratification of Muscovite Society and the 'Westernization' of Its High Culture, Especially Literature." University of Chicago Russian Studies Workshop, March 19, 1993. Revised and presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies annual meeting in Seattle on November 22, 1997.

    "Some Considerations on the Development of the Russian Mind and Culture (Especially Late Muscovy)." SSRC Second Summer Workshop on Early East Slavic Culture, Stanford University, June 20, 1993.

    "Was Early Modern Russian Civilization a Right-Brain Phenomenon? The Current Evidence." University of Chicago Russian Studies Workshop, October 13, 1993.

    "Great Wealth in Muscovy: The Case of V. V. Golitsyn and Price Trends in Seventeenth-Century Muscovy." Twenty-fifth National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Honolulu, November 20, 1993.

    "Material Culture and Identity in Late Mediaeval and Early Modern Russia." NEH Conference on Cultural Identity in a Multicultural State: Muscovy, 1359-1584, UCLA, Los Angeles, March 12, 1994.

    "The Origins of Denunciation in Muscovite Law." National Council for Soviet and East European Research conference "The Practice of Denunciation in Comparative Perspective," the University of Chicago, April 30, 1994.

    "The Value of Labor and Rank in Late Muscovy." Russian Academy of Sciences conference "Estates and State Power in Russia 15th-Middle 19th Centuries," Moscow, June 13-16, 1994.

    "Literacy in Muscovy." Twenty-sixth National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Philadelphia, November 19, 1994.

    "Service Wages in Late Muscovy." Also "From Binary Models to the Bicameral Brain: Interpreting Reading and Writing in Early Modern Russia." Twenty-seventh National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, DC, October 26, 1995.

    "Interpreting Violence in Late Muscovy from the Perspectives of Modern Neuroscience." Twenty-eighth National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, November 15, 1996.

    "Why the Elite Did Not Rebel in Muscovy." Twenty-ninth National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Seattle, November 12, 1997. This was a revised version of a presentation I had made at a conference of Old Russian Scholars at UCLA in April of 1997.

    "The Role of the State in Early Modern Russia." First National Convention of the Historical Society, Boston, May 29, 1999.

    Work in progress:

    A book, The Structure of Modern Russian History, has been outlined and parts (two chapters) of it have been written. I hope to complete this in two or three years.

    A second urgent project is an annotated translation of the Law Code (Sobornoe Ulozhenie) of 1649, which was supported by a grant from the National Endowment of Humanities. Volume 1, the translation, was published in 1988. The research for volume 2, the commentary volume, is done, and the writing of the commentary on the preamble and chapters 1-9 and 11-13 has been published. It would take me about a year to finish the commentary.

    A third project might be entitled The Historians of Muscovy; it is perhaps a quarter to a third completed in the dozen biographies written in MERSH and elsewhere.

    Another project involves psychology and neurobiology in Russian history.

    Yet another involves writing a historical novel the central character of which would be N. I. Odoevskii, whose life spanned the seventeenth century.


    Introduction to Russian Civilization, 1, 2. 3 [Russia from the Ninth Century to the Present]
    Russian Civilization for Businesspersons at the GSB
    History of Russia to Peter the Great
    History of Kievan Rus'
    History of Russia, 1223-1598
    Seventeenth-Century Muscovy
    History of Mediaeval and Early Modern Russian Law and Institutions
    Comparative Slave Systems
    The Ulozhenie of 1649
    Muscovite Society
    History and the Russian Novel
    Self,Culture, and Society [freshman social science]
    Seminars on Muscovite and Russian history topics.

    University of Chicago service

    Chairman of Russian Civilization course, 1967-Current.
    Chairman of Undergraduate Studies in Russian Civilization, 1970-Current
    Chairman of the Eastern European NDEA Title VI Area Committee, 1974-1978
    College History coordinator, 1971-1973
    Member, College History and Culture Task Force, 1983-1984
    Member, Council of the University Senate, 1976-1979
    Member, College Committee on Academic Standing,1984-1987
    Member, College Standing Committee on the General Education Program (biological Sciences), 1986-1988
    Co-coordinator, Moscow Exchange Program, 1990-Current
    Co-coordinator, Russian and Soviet Studies Workshop, 1990-1993; 1995-1998 sole coordinator, 1993-1994., 1999.

    Department of History committees

    Admissions and Aid (chairman, 1984-85)
    Work/study (1972-Current)
    Placement (chairman, 1985-87)
    Graduate Student Affairs
    Director, Slavic, East European/Russian and Eurasian Center, 1997-Current
    Faculty Technology Oversight Committee on Computing.


    American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies [I was a member of the editorial board of its publication, The Slavic Review, in 1979-81].
    American Society for Legal History [I was a memberof the 1976 program committee for its annual meetings].
    Economic History Association.
    Jean Bodin Society for Comparative Institutional History.
    Chicago Consortium of Slavic and East European Studies [I was president in 1990-92]. Founding member and member of the board of governors of the National Historical Society.


    Bachrach Faces of Chicago exhibition (State of Illinois Center Atrium), June 1989
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